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World Curling Tour Europe
Frequently Asked Questions…
What is the World Curling Tour – Europe?
- a way of organizing and giving value to top tournaments in Europe
- running under the banner of the World Curling Tour (Canada), but with a separate European cash ranking list.
Who is eligible to participate in the World Curling Tour – Europe?
- all curlers in Europe
What are the goals of the World Curling Tour – Europe?
- increase the general awareness of the sport of Curling in Europe
- promote more attractive tournaments for players and organizers
- create an additional season goal for active teams next to National Championships
- more exposure and quality events for individual team sponsors
- in time to secure more TV psence and Tour sponsorship
What can you win on the World Curling Tour – Europe?
- the two best European teams will have the chance to participate in the World Curling Tour Championship Final in Canada.
- Every team in the WCT-E gets more invitations to bonspiels all over the world, including Canada
When will the World Curling Tour – Europe begin?
- The WCT-E Season begins each year on September 1st and ends on the following 31st of January.
How to become a member of the Word Curling Tour – Europe?
- Every Mens Team that participate in a WCT-E Tournament becomes a WCT-E Member for the actual Season.
Who is organizing the World Curling Tour – Europe?
- Europe: Raphael Brütsch, Reto “Superfox” Seiler, Markus Rindlisbacher
- From the country reps Uli Kapp (Germany), Peter Lindholm (Sweden), Mike Hay (Scotland), Ulrik Schmidt (Denmark), Magnus Utgård (Norway)